Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How not to get murdered by your emotional wife.

Here is one for the fellas. A handy helpful go-to guide for dealing with your emotional wife.

  1. Be nice.. Think long and hard before you say anything more than "I'm sorry" "What can I do for you" or "I love you". Can the thing you are about to say be construed as mean, rude, condensing or insensitive? What about someone riddled with hormones and a non-functioning logic center? Yeah? Thought so, don't say that.
  2.  If you can be nice, be quiet. Seriously, just nod, smile and hug. Rub her back, her feet, brush her hair; whatever you know makes her relax. And don't go for the grope, now is not the time.
  3. Buy her something that lets her know you're thinking of her. It doesn't have to be expensive or some grand gesture, slip her favorite snack into her purse before she leaves for work. Pick up those flowers she loves. Buy those shoes she's been eyeing for weeks but won't buy for herself. Something that says I DO pay attention, whether you see it or not. 
  4. Do something around the house BEFORE she asks. Take a real look around, does the dishwasher need loaded/unloaded? Is the trash full? Could the living room need vacuumed or dusted? How about the laundry, does it need folded, put away, is it piled to the ceiling with no end in sight? Take care of one (or more if you're feeling adventurous) of these things and watch her smile. Don't do it for the accolades (or to get laid) do it to take some of the pressure of her.
Take note of what happens when you do these things, if you notice a positive change, do them more often.

It may save your life one day